Atlassian 已緊急公佈了多個關於 Atlassian 系列產品之相關 CVE 漏洞的文章《CVE-2022-1471 》《CVE-2023-22522》《CVE-2023-22524》 《CVE-2023-22523》,內容涵蓋到該產品下方之版本,如是有使用下方產品之客戶請注意:
涵蓋範圍非常巨大,請客戶一定要確認,如確認貴司產品 ( 裡頭包含數套 Plugin ) 位於下方版本之中,請務必詳閱後方之漏洞說明以及解決方案。
Product | Affected Versions |
Bitbucket Data Center and Server |
Confluence Data Center and Server
Jira Core Data Center and Server Jira Software Data Center and Server |
Jira Service Management Data Center and Server |
Automation for Jira (A4J) |
Atlassian Companion App for MacOS |
Confluence Cloud Migration App (CCMA) |
Jira Service Management Cloud Assets Discovery |
Jira Service Management Data Center and Server Assets Discovery |
Atlassian 已注意到多個 CVE 漏洞會影響到上方所列之 Atlassian 產品,漏洞資訊分別為:
CVE-2022-1471 - SnakeYAML library RCE Vulnerability Impacts Multiple Products
CVE-2023-22522 - RCE Vulnerability in Confluence Data Center and Server
CVE-2023-22524 - RCE Vulnerability in Atlassian Companion App for MacOS
CVE-2023-22523 - RCE Vulnerability in Assets Discovery (stand-alone app)
基本此次漏洞皆為 RCE 漏洞, (RCE, Request for Continued Examination) 全名為遠端程式碼執行,此安全漏洞,外部攻擊者可在組織的電腦或網路上執行惡意程式碼的攻擊。執行攻擊者控制程式碼的能力可用於多種用途,包括部署其他惡意程式碼或竊取敏感性資料。
根據 Atlassian 嚴重性級別中發佈的等級,Atlassian 將此漏洞的嚴重性級別評為 嚴重 CVSS 9以上,當貴司環境處於上方指定產品就有可能會受到此漏洞所影響,請盡速做升級動作,建議升級到下方指定版本:
Products | Action |
Bitbucket Data Center and Server | Patch to the following fixed versions or later
Confluence Data Center and Server | Patch to the following fixed versions or later
Jira Core Data Center and Server Jira Software Data Center and Server | Patch to the following fixed versions or later
Jira Service Management Data Center and Server | Patch to the following fixed versions or later
P.S. 注意 Jira Core 版本也必須要同步升級 |
Confluence Data Center and Confluence Server |
Plugins | Action |
Automation for Jira (A4J) Marketplace App Automation for Jira (A4J) - Server Lite Marketplace App | Patch to the following fixed versions or later
See breaking changes in A4J 9.0+ for more info. |
Confluence Cloud Migration App (CCMA) | Patch to the following fixed version or later
Jira Service Management Cloud Assets Discovery | Patch to the following fixed version or later
Jira Service Management Data Center and Server Assets Discovery | Patch to the following fixed version or later
但再次提醒如貴司當前環境為漏洞影響之範圍內,最終應該都請盡速做主程式的升級,如有需要任何協助確認或者升級工程,請盡速與 Linktech 團隊做聯繫。
Linktech 深耕 Atlassian 系列解決方案,同時涵蓋資訊安全檢驗的部分,若有發現Atlassian系列產品環境存在潛在危機的客戶,歡迎隨時與我們聯繫,同時在軟體升級的部分,我們也會再進行升級前進行全系統的盤點與掃描,確保升級後功能可以正常使用,且資料不會流失。
資訊安全對於 IT 團隊來說責任是重中之重, 然而每個 IT 團隊要維護的系統非常繁雜,有 ERP、CRM、Issue Tracking…等,有時要管理的系統太多,反而頭尾不能兼顧,如果您也遇到這樣的情況,請放心將您的系統委由 Linktech 協助維護,我們將會是您系統維運最佳神隊友。
#AtlassianPlatinumSolutionPartner #Taiwan #Atlassian #Bitbucket #Confluence #JiraCore #JiraSoftware #JiraServiceManagement #JSM #Server #DataCenter #Automation #AssetsDiscovery #Upgrade #Version #RCE #plugin #AutomationforJira #A4J #ConfluenceCloudMigrationApp #CCMA #CVE20221471 #CVE202322522 #CVE202322524 #CVE202322523